Author Archives: Real Dinosaur

Using Animatronic Dinosaurs to Boost Business

Nowadays, people are increasingly immersed in the virtual world, with the metaverse topic gaining popularity....

Introduction to 2 Types of Dinosaur Costume Materials

In hot stage performances and commercial events, eye-catching dinosaur props often steal the show, attracting...

Who is the Overlord of Dinosaurs in the Ocean

In the distant periods of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous, there existed a creature known...

Lifesize Robotic Raptor Dinosaur Costume

In today’s era, T-Rex and Raptor stand out as the most popular and renowned types...

Realistic T-Rex Costume with Legs Covered

On September 15, 2023, a client named Raluca from Spain sent me an inquiry and...

Outdoor Playground Walking Animatronic Dinosaurs for Sale

Have you ever seen walking animatronic dinosaurs in the park or witnessed a dinosaur walk...

Realistic Mechanical Dinosaur Costume for Halloween

Every year on Halloween, people eagerly put on various quirky costumes to showcase their creativity...

Top 10 Most Popular Dinosaur Playground Equipment

Although dinosaurs have been extinct for hundreds of millions of years, many people remain curious...

Life Size Dinosaur for Sale

A life-size dinosaur is an animatronic dinosaur model reconstructed based on the proportions of real...

Top 10 Predatory Dinosaurs Ranking

We have compiled a list of the top 10 predatory dinosaurs in history, ranking based...